The Night Before

Tomorrow we leave for our trip to Japan and Taiwan! I'm so nervous, but also really excited. On Friday we had our last orientation before we leave. We got all the final details, itinerary, and met everyone that is going.

Dr. Peng and Lin put together a manual of everything we need to know to prepare us for the trip. It is really detailed and helpful, and made me even more excited to experience the two countries.

We also played icebreakers to become more comfortable with each other since there are so many of us going. After ice-breakers we enjoyed a taco bar, it was delicious!

While we ate our tacos we then watched a presentation on everything we needed to know for our trip. Dr. Peng and Lin went over our day to day schedules and answered our last minute questions.

The party was fun and helpful. I'm glad we had it and am so excited for the trip.

I leave for the airport in about 5 hours, so hopefully I will not be too nervous to sleep!


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